Wednesday, May 03, 2006


It seems the longer you stretch it the more it hurts. My leg is now starting to be a real pain (excuse the pun), especially at night when the painkillers wear off about 3am. The bone feels like I've been kicked severely in the shin (actually it was a hammer and chisel but that's just being picky) and the muscles and tendons have obviously given up any slack they possesed. My kneecap feels like it belongs somewhere else on my leg.
To counteract this I'm trying to get back into some enjoyable routines.
We went to a concert last Friday - having carefully booked seats with extra legroom we were shown to seats which you had to squeeze through a narrow gap to get to. The manager found us suitable seats to change to in the interval.
I also returned to my French class last night. Two hours of conversation was a good workout for the brain. It's a taxi ride into Manchester as the nearest bus stop is too far for me to walk from/to, but well worth the money.
Only another 3 weeks or so to go with the spanners then perhaps we can settle down a bit.


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